Setting Up a Custom CfnCluster Node Package


The following are instructions for use a custom version of the CfnCluster Node package. This is an advanced method of customizing CfnCluster, with many hard to debug pitfalls. The CfnCluster team highly recommends using Custom Bootstrap Actions scripts for customization, as post install hooks are generally easier to debug and more portable across releases of CfnCluster.


  1. Identify the CfnCluster Node working directory where you have cloned the CfnCluster Node code

    _nodeDir=<path to node package>
  2. Detect the current version of the CfnCluster Node

    _version=$(grep "version = \"" ${_nodeDir}/ |awk '{print $3}' | tr -d \")
  3. Create an archive of the CfnCluster Node

    cd "${_nodeDir}"
    _stashName=$(git stash create)
    git archive --format tar --prefix="cfncluster-node-${_version}/" "${_stashName:-HEAD}" | gzip > "cfncluster-node-${_version}.tgz"
  4. Create an S3 bucket and upload the archive into the bucket, giving public readable permission through a public-read acl

    _bucket=<the bucket name>
    aws s3 cp --acl public-read cfncluster-node-${_version}.tgz s3://${_bucket}/node/cfncluster-node-${_version}.tgz
  5. Add the following variable to the CfnCluster config file, under the [cluster …] section”

    extra_json = { "cfncluster" : { "custom_node_package" : "https://s3.<the bucket region>${_bucket}/node/cfncluster-node-${_version}.tgz" } }